Exciting! King of Hammer Corals?? / Fragging Weeping Willow Leather / Removing Asterina Starfish

The reefing season is back with a vengeance! There have been multiple frag swaps & club meeting, meeting up with local hobbyists, the reef aquarium activities have definitely picked up again! This video covered a lot of grounds; first I finally fragged the Bahamallama Weeping Willow Leather Coral, accidentally fragged the Jokercorals New York Knicks Gold Torch in halves, received the absolutely gorgeous ACI King Hammer, picked up corals from Reef Nerd Aquatics, Telegraham, and boxed_reef. Visited local fish store the House of Tropicals, and finally addressing the Asterina Starfish in the reef tank by the means of Harlequin Shrimp with a slight twist. I hope you enjoy this video, it has been fun cutting it together!

Items shown in this video:
Yellow Gloves (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3njwn1p
Potassium Chloride (Amazon): https://amzn.to/3AYPJw9

Perhaps a T-Shirt or Short Shorts to help support the channel? https://inappropriatereefer.creator-spring.com/

0:00 Fragging Bahamallama Weeping Willow Leather Coral
3:36 Visiting the House of Tropicals LFS in Glen Burnie, MD
9:23 Acclimating Harlequin Shrimp, how I will use it against Asterina Starfish
14:51 New Corals! ACI King Hammer!
16:58 Result from adding Harlequin Shrimp to control Asterina Starfish
20:10 Fragging Joker Corals New York Knicks Gold Torch with dremel tool
21:08 Update on Bahamallama Weeping Willow after fragging & attaching
Instagram: @inappropriatereefer
Email: inappropriatereefer@gmail.com


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