FINAL Tank Updates. (Be back in a few weeks)
April 14, 2019 4:30 pm
With the wedding happening in two weeks, I will be skipping a few weeks of videos in order to get everything ready. Before I go, thought I would do a snap shot on all 4 tanks: 45g reef tank, 9g planted tank, 40g Axolotl tank, and the 10g Budget Nano Reef tank.
#BudgetNanoReef #MiniCompleteTank #ReefTank
Inappropriate Reefer ReefSquad T-Shirt:
Follow me on Instagram @inappropriatereefer
Connect on FB @ Inappropriate Reefer
Music by: DJ Quads, falcxne, Jeff kaale, Joakim Karud, panthurr
Please feel free to email me for any question, sponsorship or product review opportunities:
Category: 40g Axolotl Tank, Youtube
Tags: aquascape aquarium, axolotl, axolotl care, axolotl tank, axolotl tank mates, axolotl tank setup, axolotl tank setup ideas, best reef lighting, budget nano reef lighting, budget nano reef tank, budget reef lighting, mini complete aquarium, mini complete tank, mini complete tank reef, minicompletetank, planted aquarium, planted axolotl tank, planted tank, planted tank for beginners, planted tank setup, planted tank substrate, reef tank, starting a saltwater tank, totoro tank