Heavy Feeding corals and fish? {Chubby but Happy}
Different reefers have different preference in terms of what to feed and how to feed our tanks. This is what has been working really well for me! I feed heavy, and it was built up to this amount slowly. If I overfeed I would still get a nice little algae bloom for a week or so.
My preferred quick feeding is with Ocean Nutrition’s Prime Reef Flake; for frozen I like LRS Reef Frenzy; for powder coral food I like PolypLab Reef-Roids; and for broadcast feeding I am a HUGE fan of Reef Nutrition’s line of products.
#FeedingClam #FeedingCorals #ReefSquad
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Music by: DJ Quads, falcxne, Jeff kaale, Joakim Karud, panthurr
Please feel free to email me for any question, sponsorship or product review opportunities: inappropriatereefer@gmail.com