Secret to RBTA Split = Tank Maintenance? (45g – 10/13/2019)
October 13, 2019 4:30 pm
After doing the bare minimum to keep my reef tanks running for more than 2 months, I was able to find time to do a top to bottom deep cleaning of the tanks! In terms of the 45g, it has been overrun by bubble algae and the Vortech MP10 and Maxspect Gyre were not pretty. I also did a pretty large water change and the swing in water parameters probably caused the RBTAs to split…!
Category: 45g Cube Tank, Youtube
Tags: aquatic life t5, bta splitting, bubble algae, bubble algae in reef tank, bubble algae pop, bubble tip anemone care, bubble tip anemone feeding, bubble tip anemone splitting, cleaning gyre pump, cleaning maxspect gyre, cleaning mp10 wet side, ecotech mp10, ecotech radion xr30w pro gen 4, emerald crab, emerald crab eating bubble algae, emerald crab in reef tank, fritz salt, maxspect gyre, rbta care, rbta splitting, rbta tank, rdta tank, Smart ATO, vortech mp10 cleaning